Cynnig Cymraeg (Welsh language offer)

Cynnig Cymraeg (Welsh language offer)

We have recently worked with the Welsh Language Commissioner to put together our Cynnig Cymraeg (Welsh Offer) and are honoured to have received accreditation.

Camlas is a bilingual company with the majority of staff members being Welsh speakers and we are proud to provide a bilingual service to our clients – the only public affairs company in Wales to do so.

We will continue to develop and monitor the use of Welsh in our work and will review our Welsh language offer and plan on an annual basis in collaboration with the Commissioner’s hybu team.

If you are a charity or a business that already has a Welsh language policy in place or are looking to draw one up, this is an opportunity to work with the Welsh Language Commissioner to ensure that your policy is fit for purpose, to receive recognition and to increase the use of your services. Learn more about the Cynnig Cymraeg here.